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As I witness with loving, fatherly eye the challenges my daughter faces every day in parenting my two extremely adorable grandchildren (Ah, but they can be handfuls!), I have been reminded of the unrivaled power a godly mom may have in the molding of our future men and women of God.

As an encouragement ESPECIALLY for my dear Danika Delello (who is doing such a phenomenal job!), but also for her big sister, expectant mommy Carissa Joy, for Karen Ziegler Richards, the mommy of my own four amazing kids, and for every Christian mom out there, I post this little tribute from my teaching notes on II Timothy chapter 1, verse 5, which testifies of the eternal impact godly mother Eunice and grandmother Lois had on young Timothy, the much beloved protege of the Apostle Paul (Timothy’s father is never named, and his effect on his son’s upbringing, whatever it may have been, Paul does not even deem worthy of mention)

Every single pastor, prophet, teacher, even the Lord, Himself, owes his life to a woman! Although men may have a monopoly on the formal position of teacher in the assembly, only WOMAN can have the uniquely significant role of bringing children into this world and nurturing them the way only a mommy can.

Likewise, the woman, thru her role as mom and housekeeper, more often than not has a certain monopoly on the primary, vital role in RAISING those children – moms have the potential that most men could never touch of molding children into godly men and women, and can make an inestimable mark on history, and on eternity.

On Nancy Hanks Lincoln:

The effect of this mother’s prayers, teachings, and dying benediction may best be told by her own son, after he became known and loved the wide world over: “All that I am, all that I hope to be, I owe to my angel mother – blessings on her memory. I remember her prayers, and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.” – Abraham Lincoln

SUSANNA WESLEY “…although she never preached a sermon or published a book or founded a church, (she) is known as the Mother of Methodism. Why? Because two of her sons, John Wesley and Charles Wesley, as children consciously or unconsciously will, applied the example and teachings and circumstances of their home life.”

John Wesley wrote: “I learned more from the prayers of my mother than from all the theologians in the kingdom.”

Susanna wrote to her husband, who was away for months at a time on business: "I am a woman, but I am also the mistress of a large family. And though the superior charge of the souls contained in it lies upon you, yet in your long absence I cannot but look upon every soul you leave under my charge as a talent committed to me under a trust. I am not a man nor a minister, yet as a mother and a mistress I felt I ought to do more than I had yet done. I resolved to begin with my own children; in which I observe the following method: I take such a proportion of time as I can spare every night to discourse with each child apart. On Monday I talk with Molly, on Tuesday with Hetty, Wednesday with Nancy, Thursday with Jacky, Friday with Patty, Saturday with Charles."

“My mother, Sonya Carson, was the earliest, strongest and most impacting force in my life. It would be impossible to tell about my accomplishments without starting with my mother’s influence.” -- Ben Carson; one-time candidate for President of the U.S., and brilliant neurosurgeon who performed the first successful surgical separation of conjoined twins in history.

“The hand that rocks the cradle . . .”

Love you, Nak!

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