Wish I Would Have
Suicide, and really, the death of a loved one in general, teaches a profound lesson: appreciation for the departed one. I can't tell you how many times I heard about Levi: "I didn't appreciate him as I should have," "I wish I had been a better friend," " I should have been there more for him." It's a lesson taught through remorse and deep regret. The problem, of course, is that particular relationship is not benefited by the instruction. And it seems the benefits as far as our other present and continuing relationships don't endure for very long, because, as Merlin said, "it is the curse of men, that they forget." Wouldn't it be nice if we could reap those benefits without someone having to die? Years ago, the realization dawned on someone that it's kinda weird we spend the money to send the very nicest flowers to someone only after they've died. So began the "Flowers for the Living" movement that lasted for a little while (about as long as a dozen carnations or roses normally last?). But I don't think I've heard it mentioned much lately (perhaps I'm not watching enough TV these days). Why not resolve to send flowers to the living today, this week, this year? BTW, it really doesn't need to be literal flowers, at all! Could be a card, a letter, a call (hopefully something more than a "text," for goodness' sake!). Actually, an everyday mindset would be best of all! Mary of Bethany may have been the first to effectively demonstrate this principle. She anointed the Lord for His burial, but while He was still in an earthly body capable of enjoying the soothing sensation and aroma of her loving and extravagant act (Mark 14:3-9).