"Close Fellowship with the Father"
This essential truth! I need to be reminded every single day:
"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty" (Psalm 91:1)
"It is most instructive and inspiring to read the Psalms, when we remember that they would have formed the main spiritual food for the Lord Jesus when, as a Man, He walked this earth. In a world like this, how can a man live and triumph and please God? This particular Psalm, as the Lord Jesus fed upon it, would be Heaven's instruction, the Father’s setting down of principles, of a basis -- a rule for the Son of God. If we look at it in that way, it becomes obvious, not only from the first verse, but from the whole of the remainder of the Psalm, that THE SUPREMELY IMPORTANT FACTOR IS THAT OF A CLOSE ABIDING FELLOWSHIP IN "THE SECRET PLACE." "Mark this," says the Divine Wisdom, "watch for this; herein lies the secret: this will be the focus of ALL Satanic attack, this ABIDING in the secret place of the Most High; dwelling under the Shadow of the Almighty." If now we take our Gospels and read them with this in mind, we find set forth the story of a life proving that success, safety, fruitfulness, and ultimate glory have but one all-important secret -- that of keeping close to the Father in Heaven; giving absolute priority to this matter of communion in the secret place. Equally, as we read through the Gospel narrative, we shall be impressed by the fact that, from a thousand different angles, by a multitude of cunning devices, EVERY device and tactic of the Adversary was directed upon this one issue: TO GET THE SON OUT OF THAT CLOSE FELLOWSHIP WITH THE FATHER. Thank God it never succeeded! How well our Lord had taken to heart this lesson that it is he who DWELLS in the secret place who is the true son."
-- T. Austin-Sparks