In a study at our Deaf Church, we talked about asking "in Jesus's Name" (John 16:23-24). Some of us were asking why God performed so many miracles of healing in the Gospels and Acts (Acts 3:1-11, for instance), but seems to allow so many painful and difficult things to happen to His people today, and often does not answer our prayers with a miracle of deliverance.
This entry from Streams in the Desert gives a partial answer.
I hope to write a post soon that will be my attempt to answer more completely.
"Unto you it is given... TO SUFFER" (Philippians 1:29).
God keeps a costly school. Many of its lessons are spelled out through tears. Richard Baxter said, "O God, I thank Thee for a bodily discipline of eight and fifty years"; and he is not the only man who has turned a trouble into triumph.
This school of our Heavenly Father will soon close for us; the term time is shortening every day. Let us not shrink from a hard lesson or wince under any rod of chastisement. The richer will be the crown, and the sweeter will be Heaven, if we endure cheerfully to the end and graduate in glory. --Theodore L. Cuyler
The finest china in the world is burned at least three times, some of it more than three times. Dresden china is always burned three times. Why does it go through that intense fire? Once ought to be enough; twice ought to be enough. No, three times are necessary to burn that china so that the gold and the crimson are brought out more beautiful and then fastened there to stay.
We are fashioned after the same principle in human life. Our trials are burned into us once, twice, thrice; and by God's grace these beautiful colors are there and they are there to stay forever. --Cortland Myers
Earth's fairest flowers grow not on sunny plain, But where some vast upheaval rent in twain The smiling land. After the whirlwinds devastating blast, After the molten fire and ashen pall, God's still small voice breathes healing over all. From riven rocks and fern-clad chasms deep, Flow living waters as from hearts that weep, There in the afterglow soft dews distill And angels tend God's plants when night falls still, And the Beloved passing by that way Will gather lilies at the break of day. --J.H.D.