TWO Expectant Mommies
Now that Danika has announced her pregnancy on FB, I could not be more pleased and proud to be the father of TWO expectant mommies. Danika and Jared's daughter is due to be born in August. Carissa and B.J.'s child may be born already, or may be just getting ready to enter this world any day now, or months from now. She may be a daughter, or he may be a son. But just as we are so very excited to welcome Elliot's little sister into our lives, we can hardly wait for the day we meet the Kerstetter child we pray and pray for, and already love. We eagerly await a call, a placement, and an introduction, as the Lord graces us all with just the child He has chosen to bless the home of, and be blessed by, our beloved (elder) daughter and son-in-law.