Something we need to be reminded of DAILY. Eternal Life is a FREE GIFT to every single person who acknowledges their sin and places their trust in Christ alone and His finished work on Calvary's cross. But, in addition, the Bible teaches God seriously desires to REWARD the faithful service of those born-again believers! And He regards these rewards to be perfectly legitimate and acceptable motivation for endeavoring to live a life of victory (if you doubt, please give due diligence to what the scriptures actually say before dismissing: Matthew 5: 11-12; 6:19-20; 10:41-42; 16:24-27; Revelation 22:12). I believe the pinnacle of these rewards is the superlative honor of ascending the throne with Christ, Himself, and actually reigning with Him, as His intimate companion, over His glorious future Kingdom (Matthew 24:42-47; 25:14-29; Luke 12:32; 19:12-26; II Timothy 2:12; Revelation 2:26-27; 3:21; 5:10; 22:5). Little appreciated, undeniably biblical, sublimely inspiring.