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The long awaited publication of Ernest Richards' book,    "Growing in Grace: Biblical studies to Establish Believers in Christ" is here!

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The Author

"If you continue in my Word, then ye shall be My disciples indeed, and ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free."


John 8:31


All believers in Christ need the reminder to remember the basics of our faith and the truths of Christ. New believers in particular need a clear and concise explanation of the basics of the Gospel both in origin and results. This book is a very a complete compilation of truths to keep believers on course and in full faith.  Not only would I recommend this for young believers, I would also recommend that all believers reread it from time to time to be assured of what God's Word teaches.

Dr. David Knapp

adjunct professor Global Grace Seminary. Author; I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY

The author takes a very important and often misunderstood subject and presents it in such a way that not only will a new believer benefit from its study but also one who has been saved for a length of time. Much of Christianity suffers from a lack of understanding positional truths as put forth in this book. I would highly recommend the use of this study material.

Dr. Noel Mayes

Pastor Maple Ridge Bible Church

This will probably be the best $10 I ever spent. I encourage you to get this concise book from our former teacher at New Tribes Bible Institute, Ernest Richards. It would be hard to find a man with a greater knowledge of and passion for the Scriptures.

Travis Phillips

I just wanted to thank you for putting pen to paper and writing "Growing in Grace". I have been so blessed by this study and I have been a believer for over 40 years. Such a well-written book should be in the hands of every believer to not only grow in and affirm our own faith but to be equipped to share it with others. I know even more now why my kids love you so much! Thank you. Keeping you and your family in my prayers.

Dorothy Vaughn

This is an excellent book that tackles deep concepts of Christian living and in simple, short lessons that are easy to understand but not lacking in depth.

The chapter titles are:

  1. The Bible – God’s Word is the Believer’s Nourishment

  2. Faith Takes Hold of the Word of God

  3. The New Creation

  4. Assurance and Security

  5. Accepted in the Beloved Versus Life on the Ladder

  6. Legislated by Law or Governed by Grace

  7. Sin, Confession, and the Cross

  8. The Holy Spirit Reproduces Christ in the Believer

One of my favorite analogies from the book is what Richards says regarding assurance of salvation: “Certainty of salvation is a matter of faith, anchored to the facts of Scripture, not to feelings or the way we behave. Looking to such shifting, unreliable things for assurance is like leaving the anchor inside the boat. A sailor needs to hook his anchor onto something outside his craft that is fixed and rock solid. The Word of God is that sure and steadfast rock (Psalm 12:6; I Peter 1:23-25). Your eternal salvation is truly as certain as God’s Word!” (p. 33)

Doctrinally speaking, Richards firmly points to Christ as the one who saves us from sin’s penalty (justification), power (sanctification), and presence (glorification). I appreciate that there was no Perseverance Theology in here. Richards quotes from the works of theologians such as Lewis Sperry Chafer, Miles J. Stanford, and William R. Newell, and recommends the Scofield Study Bible.

I used this study with my Bible study group that has a diverse mix of old and new believers, and it was helpful for all of us. I really appreciated all the Bible references Richards included; in our study we read each paragraph together, then stopped and looked up the references. This was so helpful to ensure that both the teaching and our discussion was grounded in Scripture, not just our opinions. Each chapter was a good length to study at home during the week and then discuss in 60-90 minutes together.

I underlined so many thought provoking quotes that it’s hard to pick, but I’ll share one from the last chapter: “Spirituality, like salvation, is by grace and through faith. ‘As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him’ (Colossians 2:6). It is not something we can manufacture or develop or become worthy of. It is only as we cease looking to self and ‘turn our eyes upon Jesus’ that the Spirit of God transforms us into His very image (Hebrews 12:2; II Corinthians 3:18). When we see that all we need is in Christ and allow Him to fill our vision, then, by the power of the Spirit, we will take on His resemblance.” (p. 65)

Tamara Hamill

When I first heard about, “Growing in Grace”, I couldn’t wait to purchase the book, as Ernie is my FAVORITE teacher. After learning from his classes and sermons, I was very excited about the book and rightly so! 


This study has been excellent for my Bible study group and I. The truths in this book are eternally impactful for the Christian. It's packed with Biblical truths that are necessary for security to every believer's walk! This has impacted my Bible study group and challenged beliefs of what we have to "do" as believers versus what Christ has already DONE. Our Bible study discussions have gone to a deeper level through this study. We have loved and embraced what we have read, all the scripture look up, all the discussion questions (which are answered by scripture). Our discussions, reading, and prayer with this book have gone on for hours each time we meet. We have considered each study so important that if any one of us was missing, we would wait until we could ALL meet in order that no one misses a week of discussion together.


I have bought several books and passed them on to individuals as well as read the book one-on-one with friends and family. I am thankful for this study and recommend it to ALL believers, no matter where they are in their walk with the Lord. 

Kristen Pettigrew

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